
I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly, I'll do what it takes till I touch the sky

Mari membaca~

Kata- kata Hikmah

Semalam adalah kenangan, hari ini adalah kenyataan, esok adalah harapan….. Iman itu bukan hanya harapan, ia adalah apa yang terpancar di dalam hati dan dibuktikan dengan amalan… Setiap kita di dunia ini tidak mahu..memilih jalan yg derita.. hakikatnya tanpa usaha keajaiban tidak akan berlaku.. kita jangan selalu mengharap.. kerana mengharap tidak pasti tertunai.. tetapi kita boleh.. bersabar.. kerana kesabaran itu mengajar kita erti kehidupanjangan menangis kerana gagal dalam cinta.. sebab manusia akan meninggalkan apa yg dicinta keinsafan bukan mudah untuk di tatang, tapi jelas di ulang-ulang sesungguhnya lidah itu lebih berbisa.. dari segala senjata.. jadi sebelum berkata fikirkan akibatnya.. zaman berubah tetapi.. dendam manusia tidak pernah berubah.. lelaki yg gagah mustahil tidak pernah menangis.. tapi, percintaan yg akan menyebabkan mereka menangis.. nilai persahabatan diukur dengan kejujuran.. bukan kebendaan.. jadilah ubi yg bertutup rapat… bukan kek yg berkrim tetapi.. diharungi lalat..!! kedewasaan tidak menghalang apa yg di inginkan oleh setiap insan… manusia bagaikan layang-layang, dimana sering terikat dengan sesuatu.. tidak dapat bebas dengan sempurna.. kecuali tali itu putus… barulah ia bebas melayang…

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5:54 PM  //  Out of the darkness and into the sun

Kecantikan Lelaki & Kegagahan Wanita

Kecantikan Lelaki

Kecantikan seorang lelaki bukan kepada rupa fizikal tetapi pada murni rohani. Lelaki yang cantik adalah :

1. Lelaki yang mampu mengalirkan airmata untuk ingatan

2. Lelaki yang sedia menerima segala teguran

3. Lelaki yang memberi madu setelah menerima racun

4. Lelaki yang tenang dan lapang dada

5. Lelaki yang baik sangka

6. Lelaki yang tidak pernah putus asa

Kecantikan lelaki berdiri di atas kemuliaan hati. Seluruh kecantikan yang ada pada Muhammad adalah kecantikan yang sempurna seorang lelaki.


Kegagahan Wanita

Kegagahan seorang wanita bukan kepada pejal otot badan, tetapi pada kekuatan perasaan.
Perempuan yang gagah adalah :-

1. Perempuan yang tahan menerima sebuah kehilangan

2. Perempuan yang tidak takut pada kemiskinan

3. Perempuan yang tabah menanggung kerinduan setelah ditinggalkan

4. Perempuan yang tidak meminta-minta agar dipenuhi segala keinginan.

Kegagahan perempuan berdiri di atas teguh iman. Seluruh kegagahan yang ada pada Khadijah adalah kegagahan sempurna bagi seorang perempuan.


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1:40 PM  //  Out of the darkness and into the sun

Young Inventor..

2 days ago.. My group had joined a competition "USIM's Young Inventors" at Stadium Nilai.. We've invented a new 6 in 1 multi functions Washing Machine..

Our new Eco-friendly and innovative Plazma machine offer high efficiency, sophisticated features and large capacities, aiming to satisfy the laundry needs of the busiest and pickiest households...

Main features include fuzzy logic, separate temperature regulation, delay start, digital countdown indicator, direct drive system, antibacterial surface, air bubble system, child safety lock, failure detection, imbalance control systems and built in with 21” LCD plasma Television...

It also features a touch sensitive control panel for easy programming and feedback. In addition to all of this, the new Plazma also operates very quietly at only 62 decibels. 21 programs include iron dry program, casual, business and wool refresh programs, sensitive option, and 4 steam programs including iron aid function. Other key features of this 5 kg capacity Plazma are steam functions, metal silver rod to hang the clothes, fold automatic system, interior light and 21” graphic LCD plasma television...

The TrueSteam Technology is used to reduce wrinkles and odors. This machine are enhanced with SteamFresh to freshen and deodorize clothes in only 20 minutes, SteamSanitary to clean items that can't be washed, ReduceStatic for your convenience, and EasyIron that evenly moistens. The steam technology is controlled via a unique 6th Sense One-Touch sensor technology, It automatically controls how much steam to inject and for how long, according to the load size and the washing temperature. And as the steam is added during the process, the wash still takes the same amount of time, while saving 50% on water and energy. Plazma machine are equipped with enhanced anti-vibration system which diminishes noise by reducing vibration in single directions - side to side movement.. So, we can washing and watching..!!

This is our machine prototype....

in front


team of the inventors


Do you think this is a good invention??

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12:51 PM  //  Out of the darkness and into the sun



Erm.. smlm aku ade invention day kat U ak.. 2 hari ak xcukup tdo siapkan produk ktorg.. so excited.. Wlaupon group ktorg xmenang pape... tp ak puas sbb xwat lec ak kecewa.. thank god!
tp.. de seperkara ak sedih sgt.. result ak turun sgt2.. sem lpas ckit ag nk dapat dean list.. yela dean kat U ak tinggi ckit.. tp result sem2 ne terok sgt.. jauh gle nk dapat dean.. huh! stress.. tu la bnyak memain.. ak xtau la sem lpas nape ak mcm tu.. short sem ni aku nk pulun A's la.. nyesal gle.. aku wat parents ak kecewa je.. sepatutnya ak kne gembirakan diorg.. terokkn ak? huhu..


p/s : Mak, Abah.. nur mintak maaf! I wont make both of you dissapointed again.. Promise!!!

1:10 AM  //  Out of the darkness and into the sun

please drive carefully...~

Desa Jati, di tepi katil double decker

Td, tngah ak dok2 lyn fb.. ak terbace link kwn aku post.. sal isu semasa skang.. kemalangan, ingatlah org yg tersayang.. sedih siot vid tu.. ak t'kua gk la air mata.. jom kita hayati vid ini...

p/s: ingatlah org yg tersayang.. huhuhu


5:42 PM  //  Out of the darkness and into the sun



nie la mende2 yg kitorg mkn td.. saving, hehehe..


3:44 PM  //  Out of the darkness and into the sun

Frogs inspired people..~

Desa Jati

Hello friends.. Now, is a story time.. I wanna to tell a story which is inspired me when I feel sad and worry,This story was told by my lovely father,,I loves you so much abah!..

There is a story about a group of frogs who try to jump over a big tall well. They have been trapped for about a decade. So, one day a young toad has represented himself as a leader to lead another frogs to jump over the well to discover the beauty of nature because they have been lived in a dull and narrowness for a long time. During the first attempt, an old hagard frog senior comes and says "I've been a century in this well and nobody has succeed to jump over this huge and slimy well, i persuade all of you to stop this nonsence and imposible act. After that incident, some of the frogs demotivated and quit. Only a few frogs stick for their mission, they keep trying day in day out. Unfortunately, a fortnight later come a injured frog with a stick on his right leg. he says " When I was young, i also had tried myself to pass through the well but I got injured on my right leg. What a waste?? leave this imposible doing!" After that, all the frogs leave and quit after heard the injured frog's story except a frog who still work for his dream to see the beautiful nature out there. After a tiring month, at last he pass the well. The interviewers appear to interview him about the succsess but pityful he couldnt answer any question because he is a deaf and mute frog.

The moral of the story is we should be as a deaf and mute frog because he doesnt care about what people saying but he just follow and trust his heart to be succsessful in his life....


p/s: dont follow or think about people saying about you.. bcoz you know who you are better than them.. follow your heart and achieve your dream.. InsyaAllah,, you'll be succsess...


3:36 PM  //  Out of the darkness and into the sun


Bilik Hostel

tengah ak layan kebosanan tetibejew ak ngidam mkn fillet o fish,, huhuhu

tu jela.. tammat!



12:11 AM  //  Out of the darkness and into the sun


1116 p.m.
Desa Jati-A5121

Skang ni ak kt hostel.. atas katil double decker.. depan laptop bertemakan bunyi bas yg br anta students dr kampus..kelas bis kul10.. angin sepoi2.. walaupon xrasa yg ada angin.. kesepian melanda diri.. ak sebenanya boring.. slalunya weekend ak mesti ada kt rumah lepak.. but now.. ak ada kat bilik ne.. dgn bau asap bas.. dah lama xtuka minyak itam.. bosannya.. family ak sume balik muo.. kenduri abg kashah.. ak nk ikot.. tapi xboleh.. diorg balik dr ari khamis ari2.. ak plak ada kelas td.. ingat nak balik sendirik nek bas.. takut lak.. lagipon ak xbape shat.. batuk..( sesak nafas ).. huhu.. mak! abah! rindu.. bile la nak abis short sem ni?? arghhhhhhhh!!!


p/s: time dekat dilupa2kn.. dah jauh br rindu2a plak...


11:11 PM  //  Out of the darkness and into the sun


jom mkn muffin!!


kebosanan..~ nk balik!!!!


9:07 PM  //  Out of the darkness and into the sun

sleeping time..~

I need to sleep.. yargh!!! sleepy.. good nite!!!!


im sooo00oo cute when i'm sleeping.. ngeeee..~



p/s: Sebelom tido, bace doa.. cuci kaki.. bismikallahuma ahya wa amuut..


2:49 AM  //  Out of the darkness and into the sun


0237 a.m
My Bedroom 

before I get on my bed.. sleepy gilew.. I want to share wif U allz.. my cousin's wedding picture.. mlm td punya.. from all the picture I got that, the wedding tak meriah sgt.. maybe I didnt come kott.. hahaha.. pasan2.. dh2x layan photos..

Akashah, Aqilah and Shahirah

Happy happy family..

Afif and Akashah

the bed


p/s: ak ngntok!!! mau tdo.. sok nk g PD


2:24 AM  //  Out of the darkness and into the sun

Waktu Bosan..!!

Pic bengong.. ngah bosan tahap cipan.. huahuahua..


p/s: dh tau bosan tu, wat la mende b'pekdah ckit.. solat sunat ke.. bce quran ke.. ape daa


10:25 PM  //  Out of the darkness and into the sun


Waktu: Lepas Azan Zohor
Tempat: Ampang

Alhamdulillah.. td kazen ak yg bernama Akashah b. Prof Madya Dr. Arshad aka Abg kashah(sedara pggl) telah selamat diijabkabulkan dgn pasangan hidupnya.. Shahirah.. ak tumpang gembira walaupon ak xg td.. xsbr lak rasenye nk kawen.. huahuahua.. (calon pon xde) bapak ak pon selamat menunaikan tanggungjwabnya sbg wakil untuk abg kashah.. cayalah abah!!! nor tau abg leh wat nye.. mlm nie.. diorg nye majlis persandingan.. ak harap semua b'jalan dgn lancar.. InsyaAllah..

Bapakku : "apelah aku nk cakap nie!! "
Akashah: "dupdap!2x nk jd laki org dh aku nie"

Akashah: "jd is3 yg solehah ea.. (sambil kenyit2 mata)
Shahirah: Pergh!! segak jgk laki aku ni..hihi

Hantaran Pihak Lelaki 1

Hantaran Pihak Lelaki 2

Hantaran Pihak Lelaki 3

jd.. ak pon nk bg hantaran gak kt diorg.. emm.. nk bg ape ek??






xde pape pon.. yg nie leh x???

Lesung Batu

walaupon hadiah yg xseberapa.. tp berguna.. nnti kak shirah nk wat sambal belacan ke.. leh guna kn.. hehe ;)

p/s: cepat dapat baby nnti bertambah la ahli keluarga kita.. hehehe


4:22 PM  //  Out of the darkness and into the sun

Semua dh settle..

bilik mak aku.. tuka venue

ha.. td kn ak ade ckp mak ak marah kn?? ak dah mintak maaf.. semua dah settle da.. parents ak pon dh bertolak g umah pengantin.. sprt dlm post ak yg lpas, ak ade ckp yang bapak ak jd wakil tuk kazen ak kn.. harapnya sumuanya b'jln lancar.. ak dok umah je.. ade keje yang perlu dibereskan..hehehe..

ha! b4 diorg g td,, ak sempat la snap pic diorg xtau la cun ke tidak..

hahaha.. pic yg paling xcun yg penah ak snap.. terok tol!! 

p/s : Sayangi la ibu bapa anda..


12:34 PM  //  Out of the darkness and into the sun

Mak,, jangan marah I..

bilik aku ag.. xde tempat len kew??

Ari nie ak kne bngon awl sgt.. yela, semalam kn ak tdo lmbt gilew.. huhuhu.. mak ak rajin sgt nk mskkn tuk org.. at last, ak yg kne msk.. huhuhu.. ak xpuas at ckit.. sbnarnye die nak masak kari tuk rombongan pengantin datang.. tp die soh ak yg msk.. kalo sedap aku masak, xpela gk.. sbb tu la ak sakit at.. huhuhu..kire ari ni ak jd anak derhaka tau.. (nor mintak ampun mak!!!)  cam ni la kari ayam nyer..

lpas bengang punya bengang.. ak terlepas cakap kat pengarang jantung ak.. "dah mak soh orang masak, orang masakla cmne pon".. die bengang la ngar ak ckap cam2.. ak nie jarang sket melawan cakap die.. bis2 skang nie, tngah hot la tu.. jap ag ak mintak maaf.. hope.. die ok la jap ag.. huhuhu 

p/s: Kalo buat slah.. cepat2 mintak maaf!!


11:21 AM  //  Out of the darkness and into the sun

Selamat Pengantin Baru..

Jam 0214
Bilikku yg bersepah

Sekarang tepat jam 0215 mlm.. mesti b'debar kazen ak yg sorang tu.. yela,, sok die akan dinikahkan ngan girl yang die sayang sgt2.. btol tak abg kashah?? kn! kn!.. so ak sbg kazen yg bek hati dan comel.. aku ucapkan.. SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU.. Semoga m'jadi suami yg baik.. hehehe.. 

ak sbnanyer bkn ape wat post nie.. act,, saje je nk gtau.. sok bapak ak jd wakil tuk kazen ak tu.. die punya la gelabah.. macam die nk kawen.. haha.. ape2 pon.. Gud Luck la utk abah.. jgn wat spoil majlis org.. anakanda di sini sentiasa m'doakan.. chewah...!! tuk kazen ak tu.. Selamat Melayari Bahtera Rumahtangga..!!

nie hadiah dr nor tuk kalian berdua..

Tadaaaaaa.... LCD TV.. time boring, leh tngok tb kn.. hehe ;))

p/s: sowi la.. xleh dtg.. ade keje sket..papepon, Selamat Pengantin Baru!!


2:03 AM  //  Out of the darkness and into the sun

Happy Birthday June!!!

Happy Birthday to my frenz who celebrating their birthday on dis month!!!


Wan Siti Aisyah - 8.6


Nur 'Izwa Nadhirah - 11.6

Happy Birthday to U..

Happy Birthday to U..

Happy Birthday to both of U..

Happy Birthday to U..


* Berfikiran jauh & berwawasan.
* Mudah ditawan kerana sikap baik.
* Berperangai lemah lembut.
* Mudah berubah sikap, perangai, idea dan mood.
* Idea yang terlalu banyak di kepala.
* Bersikap sensitif.
* Mempunyai pemikiran yang aktif (sentiasa berfikir).
* Sukar melakukan sesuatu dengan segera.
* Bersikap suka menangguh-nangguh.
* Bersikap terlalu memilih & mahukan yang terbaik.
* Cepat marah & cepat sejuk.
* Suka bercakap & berdebat.
* Suka buat lawak & bergurau.
* Otaknya cerdas berangan-angan.
* Mudah berkawan & pandai berkawan.
* orang yang sangat tertib.
* Pandai mempamerkan sikap.
* Mudah kecil hati.
* Mudah kena selsema.
* Suka berkemas.
* Cepat rasa bosan.
* Sikap terlalu memilih & cerewet.
* Kurang mempamerkan perasaan.
* Lambat untuk sembuh apabila terluka hati.
* Suka pada barang yang berjenama.
* Mudah menjadi eksekutif.
* Kedegilan yang tidak terkawal.
* Sesiapa yang memuji, dianggap musuh. Siapa yang menegur dianggap kawan

p/s: Ha! dah tua upenye kite nie.. So,, bnyakkn amalan.. Smoga umur kita x sia2.. daa..~


11:53 PM  //  Out of the darkness and into the sun

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